Codewars - Credit Card/Jaden Case/Digital Root
By Ray Velasquez
Late post but knocked out 4 challenges a few days ago in Ruby and JavaScript. I'm still working on cleaning up my code and keeping it DRY, however, I feel like these weren't too bad.
- Getting Right Into It
Some of these were quite simple but it was cool to take a look at some of the other solutions once I was done to see how I could improve. I won't go step by step as I have in some of my other posts but I'll just walk through the highlights of the challenges.
- Multiples of 3 or 5 (JavaScript)
function solution(number){ let num = 0 if (number < 0) { return num = 0 } else { for (let i=0; i<number; i++){ if (i%3 === 0 && i%5 === 0) { num = num + i } else if (i % 3 === 0 || i % 5 === 0) { num = num + i } else { } } return num } }
I added a step in this code with the else if which was not necessary but you live and you learn. I created a top level conditional to make sure to return 0 if the number was less than 0 but that was also unnecessary. Either way the code works but needed some cleaning up.
- Credit Card Mask (JavaScript)
function maskify(cc) { newArr = cc.split('') finalArr = [],index)=> { if (index < newArr.length-4){ finalArr.push('#') } else { finalArr.push(letter) } }) return finalArr.join('') }
This code is written to replace all the characters with a #
except the last 4 characters. I learned that I could have just chained some methods and achieved the same result in less code but this made the most sense to me at the time.
- Jaden Casing Strings (Ruby)
class String def toJadenCase' ') end end
Apparently Jaden Smith has an interesting way of typing out his tweets where he capitalizes every first letter as if it's a title. The capitalize function in Ruby allows you to do this exact operation so I'm using it in a map to adjust every words accordingly. Proud of this one because of how clean it is.
- Sum of Digits/Digital Root (Ruby)
def digital_root(n) sum = nil newArr = n.to_s.split(//).map{|num| num.to_i} length = newArr.length if length <= 1 sum = newArr[0] else while length > 1 sum = newArr.reduce(:+) newArr = sum.to_s.split(//).map{|num| num.to_i} length = newArr.length end return sum end end
I had fun with this one because it felt more like a puzzle than the others. This function accepts any number, returns the sum of all the numbers, then continues to loop until that summation is a single digit -- it then returns that single digit. I'm not a big while loop fan but it was the perfect application for it.
I'm going to keep at it on the challenges. See ya!